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The Virtual Pram MuseumLinks PageTo view a list of these links only, go to Links List. USA Domestic Strollers and Carriages || Luxury/Better Quality Strollers, Carriages and Prams Here are links to the conventional US manufacturers, and to the less familiar European and Japanese luxury producers of strollers, carriages and prams. If you have special needs, check out the miscellaneous categories, which include traditional 'special needs' as well as stroller/backpacks, mobile car seats, etc.. For the most part, we at the Pram Museum consider jogging strollers to be sports equipment and we don't list them at this time. For everyday use, we consider that an all-terrain stroller serves most people better. You may notice that some US manufacturers are moving toward a European look, especially for their more expensive models. We have not yet seen a US manufacturer extend this change to include engineering improvements. When buying domestically, beware -- you're still likely to encounter the axle, wheel and frame problems which have dogged US strollers in recent decades. Check out our Advice page for more information. Note that, for the most part, we have not included retail stroller sources--just the producers. A search on any of the larger internet engines will turn up all sorts of opportunities to buy. This page is a work in progress -- if you feel we have missed any manufacturer who should be included, please email the URL to us, along with any comments. USA Domestic Strollers and CarriagesGraco || Verona || Cosco || Century || InStep Graco's site is a royal pain to enter--if you keep clicking on 'Strolling,' you go in circles. Once you get to the second entry page, you must click 'Products' instead of 'Strolling' in order to get to strollers. So don't rely on www.gracobaby.com if you want to return to the site--bookmark the page you're interested in as soon as you can. If you attempt to get to the 'Traveling' section, you'll run into the same site navigation problem as for 'Strolling.' Clicking on 'Traveling' from the 'Strolling' page just gets you to another (!) entry page, not to 'Traveling.' Don't make the mistake of clicking on 'Traveling' to get to 'Traveling'--click on 'Products' instead. It will still take two more clicks, not one, to actually view the product you may be interested in. Before considering a 'travel system,' check out the Pram Museum's Advice page. Graco has been moving into the European market recently, selling US-style strollers. In the USA, though, Graco now offers a European-style 'Verona Pram Stroller.' If you like bulky General Motors-type engineering, and don't mind paying a high cost premium, the Verona may be for you. Features include gratuitious plastic everywhere -- including flimsy fenders, suspension covers and wheel locks. Although a sewn-in label reminds users that the footrest must be locked up when the Verona is used as a carriage, we were never able to get the lock to work. And note: you won't find the Graco name on the stroller or frame. It's well-hidden on the sewn-in tags required by law inside the stroller. The bottom line: in spite of global aspirations, and the move to European-type styling, Gracos still look (and act) a lot like Gracos. Before buying, hang out at the local mall and watch those axles and wheels--get a close look at what the Graco product looks like once it's been used for a while. Don't be dazzled by a lot of fabric, or the appeal to current trends in padding, colors, etc.. You don't transport the baby with the fabric; it's the frame and wheels that matter. Treat Cosco's claim that "Through an excellent partnership between Geoby and Cosco, we are pleased to present the most innovative, highest quality strollers ever offered in the North American Market" with a great deal of skepticism. Worth checking carefully on Cosco models (along with those wheels and axles) are the latches and any mechanical bits. If if looks flimsy to you, trust your judgement. Check recall listings carefully. Century offers strollers similar to those of other domestic manufacturers. The same cautions apply. Worth checking out is InStep's Sport Utility Stroller, which has features not normally found in such an inexpensive stroller. In an emergency, or for light, short-term use, this might be the thing.The large wheels are very manoeverable (even with a fair amount of weight in the stroller), the handles adjust quickly and easily, brakes are effectiive, the basket is useful. But do expect the usual durability problems with the axles. There's no recline feature; and the (somewhat pointless) foot strap is plastic, making it a little difficult to unfold the stroller in cold weather when it's been in the trunk of the car, or on the porch, and a little tricky to fold all the time. InStep, take note: nylon webbing would have been a better choice here. The Pram Museum is currently testing this model, as the most promising inexpensive US model we've seen recently. We'll keep you posted. Luxury/Better Quality Strollers/CarriagesPerego || Maclaren || Emmajunga || Inglesina || Mamas & Papas || Combi | Kidco/Bebecar Perego (Italy) makes what are probably the most widely available of the better strollers and carriages in the USA. The Perego site uses frames, so this link only goes to the site itself; you'll have to work a little bit to get to the strollers. Click on 'Products' and then 'Strollers' to get to the relevant pages. If you buy just one stoller, the Pliko Sherpa (with 'all terrain' wheels) or the Pliko Matic (with smaller, 'city' wheels) is probably all the stroller you'll ever need. If most of your baby-toting will be in the urban or surburban jungles, where uneven sidewalk is the biggest threat, this stroller will get you where you want to go, trouble-free, but it also will handle occasional rough terrain with grace. Amazingly sturdy, instantly collapsible, easy to manuver, it's a wonderful choice. You will almost certainly want the accessory, under-stroller, basket, which Perego inexplicably does not include with the stroller. Inglesina (Italy) makes attractive, sturdy, pricey strollers and carriages. Their top-of-the-line pram is a beauty--small enough to almost be practical, and elegant enough to recall the illustrious beauties of the past. Mamas & Papas (UK) products aren't readily available in the USA. Product names are confusingly siimilar to Perego's; Mammas & Papas offer carriage combos, strollers and a travel system. The site's kind of fun; you can design your own pushchair and then view it. Combi (Japan) are fairly widely available in the US. Combi makes the popular Savvy line--ultra light weight strollers. These models might make sense if weight and folded size are the only considerations (if you and your baby are living on airplanes, for example), but their disadvantages can be a problem under other circumstances. Seats are small, with limited ability to recline, wheels are hard and unforgiving, and comfort on long rides is dubious. Parent loyalty seems high--we've often seen older babies still too young to walk everywhere crammed into their Savvys long after they've outgrown them. Combi also makes full-size models. Combis seem bulkier than similar products, and the engineering on the full-sized models sometimes seems clumsier than truly desirable. Combi's web site's pretty clever in some genuinely user-friendly ways. Run your mouse over the color swatches, and you can see what the model looks like, and you can click to watch each model fold. Combi used to publish one of the very best guides to choosing a stroller ever; you can get some of the information they included in their print brochure here on the site, but you'll need to scroll through the models to pick it up. Kidco/Bebecar (France) has an all-terrain stroller ("All-Terrain Raider Stroller") in classic stroller guise, but with 12 inch air-filled tires, and adjustable suspension. We haven't seen it yet, but it looks good! We've seen ancient Bebecars over the years and have been impressed with how well they hold up. For the best description, though, skip the Kidco site and go to babystyle.com and read their description -- it's' much more detailed than Kidco's. If you're tempted, spring for the carriage version ($70.00 more), with the wire basket below, and the versatility of a carriage which turns into a stroller. Aprica (Japan) almost single-handedly started the "better/luxury" stroller revolution in the USA when they introduced the first really compact, lightweight stroller. The Mini-Concord weighed almost nothing, and could fit where no stroller had fit before. Apricas are still among the priciest of the pricey, but potential buyers should check models out carefully: Most, though not all, Aprica models traditionally suffer from a disconcerting lateral sway. (When you push the stroller, the frame weaves from right to left, though the wheels go forward.) Frame strength may be an issue for some parents. Aprica does not have an English-language web site yet. Eichhorn Prams are German-made traditional carriage-stroller combinations. Eichhorn offers an unusual wicker carriage body. Oxley Prams are made in New Zealand. Their web site is a little odd (the home page is one of a number of glowing testimonials), but the strollers and combinations are worth checking out. This is an interesting site for information about pram construction materials and other considerations. Simo are Norwegian prams. Traditional, very sturdy, and, like the rest in this class, pricey. Simo's site not only shows models in various configurations (using clear, clean photos), but also reproduces their assembly instructions. The site design itself is almost textbook awful, but these two advantages should be copied by everyone! Silver Cross (England) makes strollers and prams with a generations-old reputation. If you can find it, their doll pram (at around $500) is not to be missed. According to their web site, Baby-2-Teen in the Washington, D.C. area sells Silver Cross' coach-built prams -- incredible devices! Bring a truck (and a truckload of money!) to pick yours up, and enjoy an heirloom forever . . . . Silver Cross does not have a web site; this link is to Baby-2-Teen. Maclaren (England) have been favorites of city-dwellers for a long time. They are similiar to the Perego Plikos in terms of ease of use and durability, but a little leaner and more spare. (And often a lot pricier.) In the past decade, Emmajunga (Sweden) become one of the better known and coveted of the luxury brands in the USA. Emmaljunga pulled out of the US market in 2001; parts and service support are now virtually non-existent in this country now. For Multiple ChildrenFor lightweight twin strollers, the best are probably the Maclaren models: Concorde/Daytripper or the more luxurious Opus Duo.There are probably no lightweight twins on the market as durable or as easy to use, fold and store. But, unlike the front-and-back models, you'll have problems getting through some doors, and down some aisles. For rough terrain, or where portability isn't as much of an issue, the Perego twin with fixed, traditional spoked wheels is a heavier, better answer. The Perego offers a smoother ride over bricks, paving and uneven ground, and allows longer days out when more room (in basket and in seats) matter most. Unlike a side-by-side, seats can be completely rearranged in the Perego, offering many more options. Navigating doors and aisles is easier with this model than it is with a side-by-side. If you need a stroller for three or more babies, don't even consider a cheap solution! The right stroller for multiples can make the difference between feeling trapped, and being able to move around in the world almost as easily as with only two babies. For ease of use, the Inglesina model (Poker ST1 on the web site) with the lighter frame is probably the best--you'll be able to haul it in and out of the car more easily than anything else. But Inglesina is the priciest solution. For sheer durability, and amazing all-terrain traction, choose the Perego traditional double or triple stroller (choose the version with fixed, spoked wheels for greatest strength) -- but make sure you can lift it into and out of the car. If you'll be walking in the country, or on your own (unpaved) property, by lakes, or on a farm, go with the Perego. You won't be disappointed. Need a stroller for quads? Look no further. Inglesina offers one with complete adjustability. It's also surprisingly manuverable and collapsible. Simo, from Norway, offers a rather nice, side-by-side twin stroller/carrriage combination. Gordon's Production Services of Britain also offers triplet and quad strollers. The MacLaren-style side-by-side triple folds compactly into a large, flat rectangle and will fit into medium-sized cars, but at 42" width will not go through most doorways. Gordon's quad version offers two-in-front, two-in-back seating, with essentially all the advantages of the full-size carriages--full recline in the rear seats, 45 degrees in the front two, lockable swivel wheels, interlocking brake on all rear wheels. Fabric hoods, baskets and rain cover included. Check out The Triplet Connection for potentially good deals on Perego's Triplette, and RunAbout (jogger-style) models. Stroller/Backpack and Dual Function CombinationsInStep || Sit-N-Stand || Sit 'n Stroll InStep offers stroller backpacks, which can be a practical solution where space is at a premium, and backs are strong, or for a second stroller for travel. Baby Trend's Sit-N-Stand allows toddler to sit or ride on a platform behind a baby or another toddler. This web site is rather primitive; there's little information here. Expect the usual durability problems. Sit 'n Stroll is a car seat/stroller combination. Lift it out of the car, pull the wheels down, and off you go. It's FAA certified for flight. At fourteen pounds, it's not too difficult to lift or carry, though, like any car seat, it's bulky. Wheels are replaceable; there's a mud flap to keep your car upholstery clean. Special NeedsMaclaren makes a light, durable stroller for special needs use. The Major Buggy could be an excellent long-term solution for active families who want a really quick and easy way to make sure all members of the family are maximally mobile. The Major Buggy can carry 140 LBS, making it a potentially excellent choice even for some small adults who need an extremely portable stroller while travelling. Note: The Major Buggy is a stroller, not a wheelchair. It isn't propelled by the occupant. Kinder Kart might be the answer for some special needs kids--as well as for those of you who spend long days with older (4, 5, 6) kids at zoos, or in national parks. It's a cart designed to reduce 'stroller fatigue' and to allow older kids to hop aboard when they're still interesting in what's going on, but too tired to stay on their feet. Quirky and/or Unusual StuffYou want quirky? This one is for all you street rod lovers out there! Sammy's StreetStrollers may not offer the most practical stroller solution, but it might be just the thing for Grandma's and Grandpa's -- or anyplace there's a pick-up to transport it in. (Or a giant car trunk!) The Walk-About claims to be a genuine all-terrain vechicle, but a most unusual one. The front wheels are much larger than the rear; the stroller is narrower than most (and lighter, at only 12 lbs.) and it folds compactly with only one hand. (See the neat animation on the site!) One photo shows the stroller in use on the beach, apparently just whipping across the sand. In London, check this stroller out at The Design Museum. The Apollo Babysphere features an "on-board air filtration system" to protect babies from pollen, vehicle exhaust and the like. This link is to the viponline site in the UK. Britex offers the Ride-n-Dine stroller, which adjusts so that a toddler can sit at table-height while still in the stroller. This site has frames, so this link will only take you to the home page; you'll have to find your own way to strollers. Click on the Steelcraft logo, and then on the tiny "Strollers link at the bottom of the page, then on "Ride-n-Dine." Once there, you'll find some good advice about buying strollers. The Gecko looks as if it belongs on a moonscape. If cutting edge design is your interest, take a look! This could be the stroller for you! BebeConfort only qualifies as "Quirky and/or Unusual" because these French strollers and carriages are hard to find in the US. The BebeConfort Classics line is made up of carriages which convert almost instantly to strollers without extra hardware. We've seen some really beaten up models in use after many, many kids, and frames, wheels and seats seem to take the abuse very well. The web site's awful to use, though, with pop-up windows all over the place, page-loading problems, and too little information -- though you do get your choice of French, English or Spanish text. © 2000 . All rights reserved. |
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