Directions to Onekama, Michigan
Future Home
of The Pram Museum
By Land || By Air || By Sea
Potential donors to the Pram Museum, please note that our current shipping zip code is 19382. Onekama is the FUTURE location of the Pram Museum. Please email with any questions!
Click here to learn what else is in Onekama!

From Traverse
City, take Highway 31 South to Bear
Lake. Watch for signs two miles south of Bear Lake. Turn right onto Highway 22. Follow 22 for approximately two miles into the village of Onekama, on the shores of Portage Lake.
From Grand Rapids, take Highway 31 North through Manistee. Watch for signs; turn left onto Highway 22 and proceed into the Village of Onekama.
Fly into civilized Cherry Capital Airport in Traverse City, Michigan. Rent a car and continue by land, turning left out of the airport onto Road. Make a left at Garfield Avenue, and then a right on to Airport Road. Follow Airport to Division (Highway 31). Turn left and follow 31 South out of town, as in "By Land"
Take the ferry from Wisconsin to Ludington, Michigan. (For information, call 616.845.5900.) Proceed North, following "By Land" directions, taking
Highway 31.
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